Database of cinema, music, history and literature

backbeat (1993)

Original title: backbeat
Production: UK|107 min|
Comedy, Musical, Historical


Iain SoftleyIain Softleyregista

Production and Screenplay

Iain SoftleyIain Softleysceneggiatore
Michael Thomassceneggiatore
Stephen Wardsceneggiatore
Erwin C. Dietrichsceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

Astrid Kirchherr
Sheryl LeeSheryl Lee(età:26)
Stuart Sutcliffe
Stephen DorffStephen Dorff(età:20)
John Lennon
Ian HartIan Hart(età:29)
Paul McCartney
George Harrison
Chris O'neill(età:47)
Pete Best
Scot WilliamsScot Williams(età:21)
Jennifer EhleJennifer Ehle(età:24)
Kai Wiesinger(età:27)
Rob Spendlove(età:40)

Technical staff

Martin WalshMartin Walshmontatore
ManIan Wilsondirettore della fotografia
Don Wasmusiche

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1993)