Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Burnt Offerings (1976)

Original title: burnt offerings
Production: UK, Italy, USA|116 min
Horror, Thriller, Fantasy
Poster of movie Burnt Offerings
a family moves into an old, haunted house that regenerates itself by feeding off of the life forces of its injured occupants.

Festivals and awards

Origin of the subject

dal libro: romanzo ()


Dan Curtisregista

Production and Screenplay

Dan Curtisproduttore
Dan Curtissceneggiatore
Robert SingerRobert Singerproduttore
William F. NolanWilliam F. Nolansceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

Karen BlackKaren Black(età:34)
(marian rolf)
Oliver ReedOliver Reed(età:38)
(ben rolf)
Burgess MeredithBurgess Meredith(età:68)
(arnold allardyce)
Eileen HeckartEileen Heckart(età:57)
(roz allardyce)
Lee MontgomeryLee Montgomery(età:15)
(david rolf)
Dub TaylorDub Taylor(età:69)
Bette DavisBette Davis(età:68)
(zia elizabeth)
Joseph Riley
(padre di Ben)
Todd Turquand(età:12)
(young ben)
Orin Cannon(età:71)
(pastore protestante)
Jim Myers
(dottor ross)
Anthony JamesAnthony James(età:34)

Technical staff

Eugène LouriéEugène Louriéscenografo
Dennis Virklermontatore
Ann RothAnn Rothcostumista
Linda Ottocasting
Bob Cobertmusiche
Jacques R. Marquettedirettore della fotografia
Al FlemingAl Flemingtruccatore
Peggy Shannonparrucchiere
Solomon Brewerarredatore

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1976)