Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Bandits (2001)

Original title: bandits
Production: USA|122 min
Comedy, Action, Dramatic
Poster of movie Bandits
a pair of conscientious robbers evades and proposes to flee to mexico by robbing all the banks they encounter on the road. but always respecting a precise moral code that requires us to act with cunning, kindness and without bloodshed: they take the bank manager and his family hostage the night before the blow, have dinner and sleep at his house and early in the morning accompany you to work to plunder. but the encounter with a lady in marriage and looking for strong emotions will create some problems for them.

Festivals and awards


Barry LevinsonBarry Levinsonregista

Production and Screenplay

Barry LevinsonBarry Levinsonproduttore
David HobermanDavid Hobermanproduttore
Paula Weinsteinproduttore
Harley Peytonproduttore esecutivo
Harley Peytonsceneggiatore
Harley Peytonscrittore
Ashok Amritrajproduttore
David Willisproduttore esecutivo
Michael Birnbaumproduttore
Michele Berkproduttore
Arnold Rifkinproduttore
Patrick Mccormickproduttore esecutivo
Lenny Vulloproduttore
Stephen j. Eadsproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

joseph "joe" blake
Bruce WillisBruce Willis(età:46)
terry lee collins
kate wheeler
Harvey J.Pollard
Troy GarityTroy Garity(età:28)
harvey 'dog' pollard
Troy GarityTroy Garity(età:28)
darill miller
cloe miller
Stacey TravisStacey Travis(età:35)
sarah fife
Bobby Slayton(età:46)
Peggy MileyPeggy Miley(età:60)
January JonesJanuary Jones(età:23)
Azura SkyeAzura Skye(età:20)
Sam Levinson(età:16)
Anthony Burch(età:17)
Scout Willis(età:10)
Jimmy Olea(età:41)
Tia Hunnicutt(età:30)

Technical staff

Aretha FranklinAretha Franklinmusiche
Stu Lindermontatore
Dante SpinottiDante Spinottidirettore della fotografia
Gloria Greshamcostumista
Victor Kempsterscenografo
Ellen Chenowethcasting
Allan Masonmusiche
Dan Websterscenografo
Joani Yarbroughparrucchiere
Merideth Boswellscenografo
Merideth Boswellarredatore
Emanuel Millarparrucchiere
Lynne K. eagantruccatore
Gerald Quisttruccatore
Michelle Weissparrucchiere
Nikoletta Skarlatostruccatore
Marlene D. williamsparrucchiere
Deborah K. larsentruccatore
Morag Rosstruccatore
Gretchen Davistruccatore
Cheryl Eckertparrucchiere
Amanda Williamstruccatore

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2001)