barrage contre la pacifique (1957)
Original title: barrage contre la pacifique
Production: USA|102 min|
in indochina the drama of a mother in perennial struggle is consumed with the waters of a river that invade the earth and with her children, who cannot stand a life of hardship, want to sell everything and go to the city. the young will end up practicing at least a part of their purpose and will leave their mother alone. she, tired and discouraged, dies. then the children return to the fold and, amid enormous difficulties, they build the dam that was the mother's great dream.
Origin of the subject
dal libro: romanzo ()
Leonard Keigel: aiuto regista
Dominique Delouche: assistente alla regia

Production and Screenplay

Interpreters and Characters

Technical staff

Arturo Zavattini: direttore della fotografia
Arturo Zavattini: assistente operatore

Alfredo Delaurentiis: organizzatore generale
Luigi Delaurentiis: organizzatore generale

Luigi Puri: fonico
Aldo Puccini: ispettore di produzione
Goffredo Bellisario: direttore della fotografia
Goffredo Bellisario: operatore
Vasco Reggiani: parrucchiere
Anna Gruber: segretario di edizione
Aldo Cavazzuti: fonico

Voices and Dubbing
Version Originale(1957)