Database of cinema, music, history and literature

basquiat (1996)

Original title: basquiat
Production: USA|106 min|
Dramatic, Historical

Festivals and awards


Julian SchnabelJulian Schnabelregista

Production and Screenplay

Julian SchnabelJulian Schnabelsceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

Andy Warhol
David BowieDavid Bowie(età:49)
jean-michel basquiat
rené ricard
Jean Michel Basquiat
benny dalmau
gina cardinale
bruno bischofberger
Dennis HopperDennis Hopper(età:60)
albert milo
Gary OldmanGary Oldman(età:38)
Willem DafoeWillem Dafoe(età:41)
critica d'arte
Tatum O'NealTatum O'Neal(età:33)
mary boone
Parker PoseyParker Posey(età:28)
henry geldzahler
Paul BartelPaul Bartel(età:58)
big pink
Courtney LoveCourtney Love(età:31)
cynthia kruger
Tatum O'NealTatum O'Neal(età:33)
Sam RockwellSam Rockwell(età:28)
Se stesso
Vincent GalloVincent Gallo(età:34)
jean-michel basquit

Technical staff

David BowieDavid Bowiemusiche
Iggy PopIggy Popmusiche
Miles Davismusiche
Julian SchnabelJulian Schnabelmusiche
John CaleJohn Calemusiche
Leonard Cohenmusiche
Charlie ParkerCharlie Parkermusiche
Ron Fortunatodirettore della fotografia
Dan Leighscenografo
Michael Berenbaummontatore
John A. DunnJohn A. Dunncostumista

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1996)

Riccardo RossiRiccardo Rossi Voice of jean-michel basquit