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batman: assault on arkham [filmTV] (2014)

Original title: batman: assault on arkham
Production: USA|76 min| tv movie
Science fiction, Action, Animation, Thriller
Poster of movie batman: assault on arkham [filmTV]
batman works desperately to find a bomb planted by the joker while amanda waller hires her newly formed suicide squad to break into arkham asylum to recover vital information stolen by the riddler.


Jay Olivaregista
Ethan Spauldingregista

Production and Screenplay

Alan Burnettproduttore
Benjamin Melnikerproduttore esecutivo
Michael E.uslanproduttore esecutivo
James Tuckerproduttore
Sam RegisterSam Registerproduttore esecutivo
Toshiyuki Hirumaproduttore
Heath Corsonscrittore

Characters and Interpreters

Alfred Pennyworth
guardia di sicurezza
Arthur Fleck / Jack Napier / Joker
Bruce Wayne / Batman
Amanda Waller
guardia di sicurezza alla cella del joker
uomo dell'obitorio
zsasz/victor zsasz
comandante di guardia
James Gordon
kgbestia/anatoli knyazev
deadshot/floyd lawton
harley quinn/dr. harleen quinzel
ragno nero/eric needham
re squalo/nanaue
killer frost/louise lincoln
captain boomerang/george harkness
stout guard
Edward Nygma / Enigmista

Technical staff

Robert J. kralmusiche
Meredith Laynecasting

Voices and Dubbing

Version Originale(2014)

Nolan NorthNolan North Voice of kgbestia/anatoli knyazev
Martin JarvisMartin Jarvis Voice of Alfred Pennyworth
Travis Willingham Voice of uomo dell'obitorio
Kevin ConroyKevin Conroy Voice of Bruce Wayne / Batman
Matthew Gray gublerMatthew Gray gubler Voice of Edward Nygma / Enigmista
John DiMaggioJohn DiMaggio Voice of re squalo/nanaue
Neal McdonoughNeal Mcdonough Voice of deadshot/floyd lawton
Eric BauzaEric Bauza Voice of guardia di sicurezza
Spaventapasseri (dc comics) Voice of zsasz/victor zsasz
Troy Baker Voice of Arthur Fleck / Jack Napier / Joker
Jennifer HaleJennifer Hale Voice of killer frost/louise lincoln
Hynden WalchHynden Walch Voice of harley quinn/dr. harleen quinzel
Chris Cox (attore)Chris Cox (attore) Voice of James Gordon
Peter Jessop Voice of comandante di guardia
Mick Wingert Voice of guardia di sicurezza alla cella del joker
Cch PounderCch Pounder Voice of Amanda Waller
Greg EllisGreg Ellis Voice of captain boomerang/george harkness
Giancarlo EspositoGiancarlo Esposito Voice of ragno nero/eric needham