Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Bear Cub (2004)

Original title: cachorro
100 min
Poster of movie Bear Cub
pedro, a gay man with an active social life and many friends, takes in his nephew bernardo for a couple weeks. when the arrangement becomes permanent , pedro turns to his friends for guidance as he and bernardo forge a household together.

Festivals and awards


Production and Screenplay

Juan Alexanderproduttore
Salvador García Ruizsceneggiatore
Miguel Albaladejosceneggiatore
José Luis García Arrojoproduttore esecutivo

Characters and Interpreters

Josele Roman(età:58)
Juanma Lara(età:41)
Elvira LindoElvira Lindo(età:42)
Mario Arias(età:39)
Josep Tomàs(età:36)
Ramón Ramos(età:39)

Technical staff

Pablo Blancomontatore
Lucio Godoymusiche
Amado Cruzcasting
Vicent Gayaparrucchiere
Alfonso Sanzdirettore della fotografia
Javier R. Moricasting
Manuela Romerotruccatore