Database of cinema, music, history and literature

beefcake (1998)

Original title: beefcake
Production: USA|97 min|
Comedy, Dramatic
set in the world of magazines with artistic bodybuilders nudes, fashionable in the usa in the fifties.


Thom FitzgeraldThom Fitzgeraldregista

Production and Screenplay

Thom FitzgeraldThom Fitzgeraldproduttore
Thom FitzgeraldThom Fitzgeraldsceneggiatore
Shandi Mitchellproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

Daniel Mcivor
(Bob Mizer)
Daniel Mcivor
(daniel macivor)
Joshua Peace
(neil e. o'hara)
Josh Peace
(Neil O'Hara)
Carroll Godsman
(delia mizer)

Technical staff

Tom Hartingdirettore della fotografia
Susan Shanksmontatore
D'arcy Poultneyscenografo
John Rodymusiche
Michael Weirmontatore