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beethoven's christmas adventure [filmTV] (2011)

Original title: beethoven's christmas adventure
Production: Canada, USA| tv movie
Comedy, Adventure, Fantasy
Poster of movie beethoven's christmas adventure [filmTV]
a christmas elf accidentally takes off in santa's sleigh, crash lands in a small town, and loses the magic toy bag. beethoven must rescue the elf, recover the bag from greedy crooks, and return the sleigh to santa in time to save christmas.
This movie is episode 7 of the series beethoven composed by:


John PutchJohn Putchregista

Production and Screenplay

Amy Jonesscrittore
Jeff Freilichproduttore
Daniel Altieresceneggiatore
Steven Altierescrittore
Lisa Goodingproduttore esecutivo
Ellen Rutterproduttore
Daniel Hankproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

stray dog
John CleeseJohn Cleese(età:72)
John O'hurley(età:57)
Kyle MasseyKyle Massey(età:20)
Kim RhodesKim Rhodes(età:42)
Jan Skene(età:52)
Rick Skene(età:53)
Cindy Myskiw(età:48)

Technical staff

Ross Berrymandirettore della fotografia
Jeff Gerrardcasting
Craig Sandellsscenografo
Brenda Magalastruccatore
Chris Baconmusiche
Nina Kvaterniktruccatore
Catherina Saitesparrucchiere
Deanne Rohdearredatore
Pina Robinsonparrucchiere
Jim Hebercasting

Voices and Dubbing