Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Behind Enemy Lines: Colombia (2009)

Original title: behind enemy lines: colombia
Production: USA|94 min
Action, Thriller, Dramatic
Poster of movie Behind Enemy Lines: Colombia
This movie is episode 3 of the series Behind Enemy Lines composed by:


Tim MathesonTim Mathesonregista

Production and Screenplay

John DavisJohn Davisproduttore esecutivo
Jeff Freilichproduttore
Tobias Iaconisscrittore
Michael Lakeproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

Joe ManganielloJoe Manganiello(età:33)
(tenente sean macklin)
Mr. Kennedy
(carter holt)
Channon RoeChannon Roe(età:40)
(kevin derricks)
Yancey AriasYancey Arias(età:38)
(alvaro cardona)
Chris J. johnsonChris J. johnson(età:32)
(steve gaines)
Antony Matos
(greg armstrong)
Keith DavidKeith David(età:53)
(scott boytano)
Jennice Fuentes
(nicole jenkins)
Steven BauerSteven Bauer(età:53)
(generale manuel valez)
Tim MathesonTim Matheson(età:62)
(carl dobb)
Anibal O. lleras(età:54)
(carlos rivera)
Jeff MoldovanJeff Moldovan(età:56)

Technical staff

Joseph Conlanmusiche
Geoff Hubbardscenografo
Claudio CheaClaudio Cheadirettore della fotografia
Gladyris Silvacostumista
John Hansenscenografo
Matthew Boothmontatore
Bonita Huffmanarredatore
Jason L. Woodcasting
Claus Lullatruccatore
Loida e. Jeannotparrucchiere
Sylvia Rodrigueztruccatore
Jearim Mirandaparrucchiere
Margarita Jeannotparrucchiere
Lucy Ortiz melendeztruccatore
Heidi Remigio colónparrucchiere

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2009)