Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Betrayal (1983)

Original title: betrayal
Production: UK|95 min
Dramatic, Comedy, Thriller
Poster of movie Betrayal
an affair between a literary agent and his best friend's wife. the story unfolds in reverse-chronological order.

Festivals and awards


Production and Screenplay

Harold Pintersceneggiatore
Harold Pinterscrittore
Sam Spiegelproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Jeremy IronsJeremy Irons(età:35)
sig.ra banks
Avril ElgarAvril Elgar(età:51)
Ben KingsleyBen Kingsley(età:40)
Henry ThomasHenry Thomas(età:12)

Technical staff

Mike Fashdirettore della fotografia
Jane Robinsoncostumista
Eileen Dissscenografo
George Frosttruccatore
Joan Carpenterparrucchiere
Jane Muircostumista

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1983)