Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Better Watch Out (2016)

Original title: better watch out
Production: USA|89 min
Horror, Comedy, Thriller
Poster of movie Better Watch Out
on a quiet suburban street, a babysitter must defend a twelve-year-old boy from intruders, only to discover it's far from a normal home invasion.

Festivals and awards


Chris Peckoverregista

Production and Screenplay

Shane Abbessproduttore esecutivo
Chris Peckoverscrittore
Brett Thornquestproduttore
Jacqui Fiferproduttore
Zack Kahnscrittore
Matthew Grahamproduttore
Steven Matuskoproduttore esecutivo
Sidonie Abbeneproduttore
Lorenzo De maioproduttore esecutivo

Characters and Interpreters

luke lerner
Levi Miller(età:14)
Ed OxenbouldEd Oxenbould(età:15)
robert lerner
deandra lerner