Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Between Showers [corto] (1914)

Original title: between showers
Production: UK|15 min| black and white| short| mute
Comedy, Comic
Poster of movie Between Showers [corto]


Henry LehrmanHenry Lehrmanregista

Production and Screenplay

Charles ChaplinCharles Chaplinsceneggiatore
Mack SennettMack Sennettproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

signor snookie
Ford SterlingFord Sterling(età:31)
poliziotto con l'ombrello
poliziotto galante
Edward Nolan(età:26)
ragazza in difficoltà
WomanPeggy Pearce(età:20)
WomanSadie Lampe(età:22)

Technical staff

Frank D. williamsdirettore della fotografia