Database of cinema, music, history and literature

between worlds (2018)

Original title: between worlds
Production: Spain|90 min
Dramatic, Thriller, Fantasy
Poster of movie between worlds
joe meets a mother who can contact spirits when suffocating. her daughter is dying when joe helps the mother spiritually contact the daughter and save her. unfortunately, the spirit in the daughter's body is now that of joe's dead wife.


Maria Puleraregista

Production and Screenplay

Jim Agnewproduttore esecutivo
Maria Puleraproduttore
Maria Pulerasceneggiatore
David Hillaryproduttore
Aaron Collinsproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Nicolas CageNicolas Cage(età:54)
Hopper Penn(età:25)
Lydia HearstLydia Hearst(età:34)
Thom Williams(età:45)

Technical staff

Tim Silanomontatore
Carrie Simstruccatore
Bonnie Stauchcostumista
Dins W.w. danielsenscenografo
Thomas Henczdirettore della fotografia
Tiffanie Hudsontruccatore
Stacy Lockharttruccatore
Lauren Holmquistparrucchiere
Judy Cookcasting
Jason Solowskymusiche

Music tracks of the soundtrack