Database of cinema, music, history and literature

billy rosès jumbo (1962)

Original title: billy rose's jumbo
Production: USA|105 min|
Comedy, Musical

Festivals and awards


Charles Waltersregista

Production and Screenplay

Ben HechtBen Hechtsceneggiatore
Sidney SheldonSidney Sheldonsceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

Doris DayDoris Day(età:40)
(kitty wonder)
Stephen BoydStephen Boyd(età:34)
(sam rawlins)
Jimmy DuranteJimmy Durante(età:69)
(anthony ('pop') wonder)
Martha RayeMartha Raye(età:46)
Dean JaggerDean Jagger(età:59)
(john noble)
Charles Watts(età:50)
Roy EngelRoy Engel(età:49)
Olan SouleOlan Soule(età:53)
Lynn Wood(età:30)
Wilson Wood(età:47)

Technical staff

Henry GraceHenry Gracescenografo
Richard Rodgersmusiche
ManHugh Huntscenografo
ManGeorge W. Davismontatore
William H. DanielsWilliam H. Danielsdirettore della fotografia
Richard W. farrellmontatore
George Stollmusiche

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1962)