Database of cinema, music, history and literature

black coffee (2014)

Original title: black coffee
Production: USA|85 min
Comedy, Romantic
Poster of movie black coffee


Mark HarrisMark Harrisregista

Production and Screenplay

Erica HubbardErica Hubbardproduttore
Jeff Lamproduttore
Mark HarrisMark Harrisproduttore
Mark HarrisMark Harrissceneggiatore
Brett Dismukeproduttore esecutivo
Reginald Jonesproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Erica HubbardErica Hubbard(età:35)
Tiffany HinesTiffany Hines(età:31)
Lamman Rucker(età:43)
Brandee Evans(età:34)

Technical staff

Jeff Lamcasting
Brett Dismukecasting
Reginald Jonescasting
Rashida Carbotruccatore

Music tracks of the soundtrack