Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Black Pond (2011)

Original title: black pond
Production: UK|83 min
Thriller, Dramatic, Comedy
Poster of movie Black Pond

Festivals and awards


Will SharpeWill Sharperegista
Tom Kingsleyregista

Production and Screenplay

Will SharpeWill Sharpeproduttore
Will SharpeWill Sharpesceneggiatore
Will SharpeWill Sharpescrittore
Tom Kingsleyproduttore
Tom Kingsleysceneggiatore
Tom Kingsleyscrittore
Sarah Brocklehurstproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

Robert Harper(età:60)
Chris Langham(età:62)
Will SharpeWill Sharpe(età:25)
Simon AmstellSimon Amstell(età:32)