Database of cinema, music, history and literature

blackbeard's ghost (1968)

Original title: blackbeard's ghost
Production: USA|106 min|


Production and Screenplay

Robert StevensonRobert Stevensonsceneggiatore
Don Dagradisceneggiatore
Bill Walshsceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

capitan barbanera
Peter UstinovPeter Ustinov(età:47)
steve walker
Dean JonesDean Jones(età:37)
jo anne baker
emily stowecroft
silky seymour
Joby BakerJoby Baker(età:34)
Elliott ReidElliott Reid(età:48)
dean wheaton
Ned GlassNed Glass(età:62)
Byron FoulgerByron Foulger(età:69)
Herb VigranHerb Vigran(età:58)
Harry HarveyHarry Harvey(età:67)

Technical staff

Bill ThomasBill Thomascostumista
Carroll ClarkCarroll Clarkscenografo
Edward Colmandirettore della fotografia
Eustace LycettEustace Lycetteffetti speciali
John B. Mansbridgescenografo
Robert Staffordmontatore

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1968)