Database of cinema, music, history and literature

blackbeard the pirate (1952)

Original title: blackbeard
Production: USA|99 min|
Action, Adventure


Raoul WalshRaoul Walshregista

Production and Screenplay

Alan Le maysceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

Robert NewtonRobert Newton(età:47)
(pirata Barbanera)
Linda DarnellLinda Darnell(età:31)
(linda darnell)
Keith AndesKeith Andes(età:32)
(keith andes)
Torin ThatcherTorin Thatcher(età:47)
(torin thatcher)
Irene Ryan(età:50)
(irene ryan)
Alan MowbrayAlan Mowbray(età:56)
(alan mowbray)
Richard EganRichard Egan(età:31)
(richard egan)
Skelton KnaggsSkelton Knaggs(età:41)
(skelton knaggs)
Dick WesselDick Wessel(età:39)
(dick wessel)
Anthony CarusoAnthony Caruso(età:37)
(anthony caruso)
ManJack Lambert(età:53)
(jack lambert)
Noel DraytonNoel Drayton(età:39)
(noel drayton)
Pat FlahertyPat Flaherty(età:55)
(pat flaherty)
Salvador Baguez(età:48)
(salvador baguez)
James Craven(età:60)
(james craven)
Sol GorssSol Gorss(età:44)
(sol gorss)
Carl HarbaughCarl Harbaugh(età:66)
(carl harbaugh)
Jack LambertJack Lambert(età:32)

Technical staff

Victor YoungVictor Youngmusiche
Ralph Dawsonmontatore
Mel BernsMel Bernstruccatore
William E. Snyderdirettore della fotografia
Michael Woulfecostumista

Voices and Dubbing