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Blade of the 47 Ronin (2022)

Original title: blade of the 47 ronin
107 min
Action, Dramatic, Martial arts
Poster of movie Blade of the 47 Ronin
This movie is episode 2 of the series 47 Ronin composed by:


Ron YuanRon Yuanregista

Production and Screenplay

Aimee GarciaAimee Garciascrittore
Ron YuanRon Yuanproduttore
John Swetnamscrittore
Jonathan Halperynproduttore
Daniel Kresmeryproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Mark DacascosMark Dacascos(età:58)
Dustin NguyenDustin Nguyen(età:60)
Chris Pang(età:38)
Anna AkanaAnna Akana(età:33)
Mike MohMike Moh(età:39)
Gen SetoGen Seto(età:67)
Yoshi Sudarso(età:33)

Technical staff

Joseph C. nemec iiiscenografo
Alec Puromusiche
Daniel Loscoparrucchiere
Gillian Hawsercasting
Ralph Berkincasting
Norbert Nagyscenografo
Agoston Zsomborparrucchiere
Edina Vadócztruccatore
Claire Kooncecasting
Charlene Leecasting