Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Block-Heads (1938)

Original title: block-heads
Production: USA|57 min| black and white
Comedy, Comic
Poster of movie Block-Heads
stanlio remained twenty years to hold a war post in europe. when he returns he is immediately invited by his friend and comrade ollio, who meanwhile has married a bitchy woman. the arrival of laurel in the hardy house will greatly disturb both the marriage relationship between ollio and the whole building.

Festivals and awards

Historical episodes of setting


Production and Screenplay

Stan LaurelStan Laurelsceneggiatore
ManCharles R.rogerssceneggiatore
Hal RoachHal Roachproduttore
Felix Adlersceneggiatore
Arnold Belgardsceneggiatore
Harry LangdonHarry Langdonsceneggiatore
James ParrottJames Parrottsceneggiatore
Charley RogersCharley Rogerssceneggiatore
Hal Roach jr.produttore

Interpreters and Characters

Cy Slocum(età:36)
(controfigura di oliver)
Billy GilbertBilly Gilbert(età:44)
(Gilbert, cacciatore)
Patricia EllisPatricia Ellis(età:22)
(signora Gilbert)
James FinlaysonJames Finlayson(età:51)
Harry WoodsHarry Woods(età:49)
William Royle(età:51)
Harry Myers(età:56)
Harry EarlesHarry Earles(età:36)
Olin Francis(età:47)
Al Thompson(età:54)
Sam LufkinSam Lufkin(età:47)
Tex Driscoll(età:49)
George Sorel(età:37)
Harry StubbsHarry Stubbs(età:64)
Tommy BondTommy Bond(età:12)
Henry HallHenry Hall(età:65)
Patsy MoranPatsy Moran(età:35)
Bud Geary(età:40)
Cyril RingCyril Ring(età:46)
Pat Gleason(età:34)
Harry StrangHarry Strang(età:46)
Allen Wood(età:32)
ManJack Hill(età:51)
Walter BaconWalter Bacon(età:47)
Joe Whitehead(età:58)
Tom Seidel(età:21)

Technical staff

Bert Jordanmontatore
Art Lloyddirettore della fotografia
Roy Seawrighteffetti speciali
Jack DawnJack Dawntruccatore
Marvin HatleyMarvin Hatleymusiche

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1938)