Database of cinema, music, history and literature

blood beast terror (1959)

Original title: the tingler
Production: USA|89 min|
Science fiction, Horror, Fantasy


William CastleWilliam Castleregista
Vernon Sewellregista

Production and Screenplay

Robb Whitesceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

dott. warren chapin
Vincent PriceVincent Price(età:48)
martha higgins
Judith EvelynJudith Evelyn(età:50)
david morris
isabel stevens chapin
lucy stevens
oliver 'ollie' higgins
Peter CushingPeter Cushing(età:46)
Wanda VenthamWanda Ventham(età:24)
Gail BonneyGail Bonney(età:58)

Technical staff

Von Dextermusiche
Wilfrid M.clinedirettore della fotografia