Database of cinema, music, history and literature

bluebeard's seven wives (1925)

Original title: bluebeard's seven wives
Production: USA|94 min| |


Alfred Santellregista

Production and Screenplay

Randolph Bartlettsceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

Ben LyonBen Lyon(età:24)
(john hart / don juan hartez)
Lois WilsonLois Wilson(età:31)
(mary kelly)
Blanche SweetBlanche Sweet(età:29)
Dorothy SebastianDorothy Sebastian(età:22)
(gilda la bray)
Diana Kane(età:24)
(kathra granni)
Sam HardySam Hardy(età:42)
Andrew Mack
(magnate cinematografico)
Dick Bernard
(magnate cinematografico)
Daniel Pennell
(b.c. duval)
Ruby Blaine
Lucy Fox

Technical staff

Robert M. HaasRobert M. Haasscenografo
Robert Hallerdirettore della fotografia