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Rebound - Part 1 (1984)

Original title: rebound - part 1
Production: USA|30 min| tv series
Comedy, Dramatic
sam falls off the wagon and diane has a nervous breakdown after the breakup. but after she's cured, diane returns to cheers to recommend her psychiatrist--dr. frasier crane--to help sam. but she doesn't say that she's involved with him.


James BurrowsJames Burrowsregista

Production and Screenplay

James BurrowsJames Burrowsproduttore esecutivo
Sam Simonproduttore
Ken Steinproduttore
Glen Charlesproduttore esecutivo
Glen Charlesscrittore
Les Charlesproduttore esecutivo
Les Charlesscrittore
Tim Berryproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

George WendtGeorge Wendt(età:36)
Shelley LongShelley Long(età:35)
Ted DansonTed Danson(età:37)
Rhea PerlmanRhea Perlman(età:36)
Larry Harpel(età:34)
Al RosenAl Rosen(età:74)

Technical staff

Craig SafanCraig Safanmusiche
Herman F. zimmermanHerman F. zimmermanscenografo
ManBruce Hutchinsontruccatore
Lynne Albrightarredatore
John Fingerdirettore della fotografia
Stephen Kolzakcasting
M. pam Blumenthalmontatore