Database of cinema, music, history and literature

boyz n the hood (1991)

Original title: boyz n the hood
Production: USA|112 min
Dramatic, Crime
Poster of movie boyz n the hood
follows the lives of three young males living in the crenshaw ghetto of los angeles, dissecting questions of race, relationships, violence and future prospects.

Festivals and awards


John SingletonJohn Singletonregista

Production and Screenplay

John SingletonJohn Singletonsceneggiatore
John SingletonJohn Singletonscrittore
Steve Nicolaidesproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

Ice Cube(età:22)
(darin 'doughboy' baker)
Laurence FishburneLaurence Fishburne(età:30)
(jason 'furious' styles)
Angela BassettAngela Bassett(età:33)
(reva devereaux)
Morris ChestnutMorris Chestnut(età:22)
(ricky baker)
Mad Dog
brenda baker
tré styles
Regina KingRegina King(età:20)
Nia LongNia Long(età:21)
Esther Scott(età:38)
Whitman MayoWhitman Mayo(età:61)
Tyra FerrellTyra Ferrell(età:29)
Baha Jackson(età:13)
John Cothran(età:44)
Lexie Bigham(età:23)
Don Nelson(età:51)
Nicole Brown(età:11)

Technical staff

Quincy JonesQuincy Jonesmusiche
Kathryn Petersscenografo
Kathryn Petersarredatore
Stanley Clarkemusiche
Bruce Cannonmontatore
Bruce Bellamyscenografo
Roger Troutmanmusiche
Charles Millsdirettore della fotografia
Sterfon Demingsparrucchiere

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1991)

Music tracks of the soundtrack