Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Bride and Prejudice (2004)

Original title: bride and prejudice
Production: USA|107 min
Dramatic, Comedy, Romantic
Poster of movie Bride and Prejudice
the intriguing mrs. bakshi is a loose cannon for her four daughters, determined as she is to soon find a husband for each of them. so much so that when a rare unmarried male named balraj comes to town to attend a wedding, he is greeted by mama bakshi as a divine gift for his eldest daughter, jaya.

Origin of the subject


Gurinder ChadhaGurinder Chadharegista

Production and Screenplay

Deepak Nayarproduttore
Gurinder ChadhaGurinder Chadhaproduttore
Gurinder ChadhaGurinder Chadhasceneggiatore
Paul Mayeda bergessceneggiatore
Francois Ivernelproduttore esecutivo
Cameron Mccrackenproduttore esecutivo
Pravesh Sahniproduttore
Tabrez Nooraniproduttore
Duncan Reidproduttore esecutivo
Michelle Foxproduttore
Brigitte Muellerproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Lalita Bakshi
Aishwarya RaiAishwarya Rai(età:31)
mrs. manorama chjamanbakshi
William Darcy
mr. chaman bakshi
Anupam KherAnupam Kher(età:49)
Johnny Wickham
balraj bingley
kiran bingley
Indira VarmaIndira Varma(età:31)
georgina "georgie" darcy
Alexis BledelAlexis Bledel(età:23)
Indira VarmaIndira Varma(età:31)
Maya Bakshi
signor Kholi
Catherine Darcy
Marsha MasonMarsha Mason(età:62)
Georgie Darcy
Alexis BledelAlexis Bledel(età:23)
Chandra Lamba
Peter Rnic(età:56)
Anu MalikAnu Malik(età:44)
Nitin GanatraNitin Ganatra(età:37)
Rick WardenRick Warden(età:33)
Shivani GhaiShivani Ghai(età:29)

Technical staff

Eduardo Castrocostumista
Susie Figgiscasting
Santosh SivanSantosh Sivandirettore della fotografia
Anu MalikAnu Malikmusiche
Craig Pruessmusiche
Justin Krishmontatore
Nick Ellisscenografo
Julie Signyscenografo
Julie Signyarredatore
Ralph Holescostumista
Savinder Kmahilcostumista
Pat Haytruccatore
Liz Michieparrucchiere
Charmaine Fullertruccatore
Paula Jane hamiltontruccatore
Michael Krehltruccatore
Sue Lovetruccatore
Matt Callahanarredatore
Mark ScrutonMark Scrutonscenografo
Neeta Lullacostumista
Julia Wilsontruccatore
Claudia Humburgparrucchiere
Nitish Royscenografo
Shereese Slateparrucchiere
Tamara Walshtruccatore
Pradeep Mohatetruccatore
Iain Guthrieparrucchiere

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2004)