Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Bride of Re-Animator (1989)

Original title: bride of re-animator
Production: USA|96 min
Science fiction, Thriller, Comedy, Horror
Poster of movie Bride of Re-Animator
doctors herbert west and dan cain discover the secret to creating human life and proceed to create a perfect woman from dead tissue.
This movie is episode 2 of the series re-animator composed by:

Festivals and awards

Origin of the subject


Brian YuznaBrian Yuznaregista

Production and Screenplay

Brian YuznaBrian Yuznaproduttore
Keith Walleyproduttore esecutivo
Paul Whiteproduttore esecutivo
Rick Frysceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

Herbert West
Jeffrey CombsJeffrey Combs(età:35)
dan cain
Bruce AbbottBruce Abbott(età:35)
ten. leslie chapham
francesca danelli
dott. carl hill
dott. graves
Mel Stewart(età:60)
infermiera shelley
Irene CagenIrene Cagen(età:45)
Noble Craig(età:41)
Johnny Legend(età:40)
Jay Evans(età:16)

Technical staff

John Carl Buechlertruccatore
Peter Teschnermontatore
Robert KurtzmanRobert Kurtzmantruccatore
David Alleneffetti speciali
Greg NicoteroGreg Nicoterotruccatore
Howard BergerHoward Bergertruccatore
Billy Damotacasting
Richard BandRichard Bandmusiche
Julie Socashparrucchiere
Brian WadeBrian Wadetruccatore
Philip Duffinscenografo
Screaming Mad georgeScreaming Mad georgeeffetti speciali
Rick Fichterdirettore della fotografia
Simon Dobbinarredatore
Kathleen M. Hagantruccatore
Scott Oshitatruccatore
Robin lewis Westcostumista
Michael Spatolatruccatore
Karen Scherertruccatore
Anthony Doublintruccatore
Gail Brubakerparrucchiere

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1989)