Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Broken Keys (2020)

Original title: broken keys
90 min
Poster of movie Broken Keys
a pianist tries to escape persecution in his middle eastern town where modern ways of living and music have been banned by an extremist group.

Festivals and awards


Jimmy Keyrouzregista

Production and Screenplay

Jimmy Keyrouzscrittore
Abla Khouryproduttore
Lara Chekerdjianproduttore
Antoun Sehnaouiproduttore
Frédéric Domontproduttore
Moe Lattoufdialoghi

Characters and Interpreters

Adel Karam(età:48)

Technical staff

Gabriel YaredGabriel Yaredmusiche
Yves Beloniakmontatore
Joe Saadedirettore della fotografia
Lara Mae khamiscostumista
Nader Sidaniparrucchiere