Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Brown of Harvard (1926)

Original title: brown of harvard
Production: Italy|85 min| black and white| mute
Action, Dramatic, Sports
Poster of movie Brown of Harvard

Origin of the subject


Jack ConwayJack Conwayregista

Production and Screenplay

Donald Ogden StewartDonald Ogden Stewartsceneggiatore
Irving G.thalbergIrving G.thalbergproduttore
A. P. youngersceneggiatore
Harry Rapfproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Doris LloydDoris Lloyd(età:30)
Mary Abbott
Mary BrianMary Brian(età:20)
tom brown
mr. brown
mrs. brown
Mary AldenMary Alden(età:43)
bob mcandrew (accreditato come francis x. bushman jr.)
giocatore di football dello yale
John WayneJohn Wayne(età:19)
hal walters (accreditato come guinn williams)
jim doolittle
Jack Pickford(età:30)
professor abbott
reggie smythe (accreditato come ernest gillen)
Grady SuttonGrady Sutton(età:20)

Technical staff

Ira H.morganIra H.morgandirettore della fotografia
Frank Davismontatore
Kathleen Kaycostumista
Maude Marshcostumista