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buchanan rides alone (1958)

Original title: buchanan rides alone
Production: USA|80 min
Action, Western, Dramatic
Poster of movie buchanan rides alone
texan tom buchanan is heading back home with enough money to start his own ranch, but when he stops in the crooked town of agry, he's robbed and framed for murder.


Budd BoetticherBudd Boetticherregista
Paul LandresPaul Landresregista

Production and Screenplay

Burt KennedyBurt Kennedysceneggiatore
Budd BoetticherBudd Boettichersceneggiatore
Harry Joe BrownHarry Joe Brownproduttore
Randolph ScottRandolph Scottproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Tom Buchanan
abe carbo
Craig StevensCraig Stevens(età:40)
lew agry
Barry KelleyBarry Kelley(età:50)
judge simon agry
Tol AveryTol Avery(età:43)
amos agry
Peter WhitneyPeter Whitney(età:42)
juan de la vega
Manuel Rojas(età:28)
pecos hill
L.Q. JonesL.Q. Jones(età:31)
waldo peck
esteban gomez
Joe De santisJoe De santis(età:49)
roy agry
Nacho Galindo(età:50)
Roy JensonRoy Jenson(età:31)
Bob Anderson(età:36)
Riley Hill(età:44)
Bill CoontzBill Coontz(età:41)
Al Wyatt sr.Al Wyatt sr.(età:41)
Duke FishmanDuke Fishman(età:52)
Don C. harveyDon C. harvey(età:47)

Technical staff

Heinz RoemheldHeinz Roemheldmusiche
Paul SawtellPaul Sawtellmusiche
Lucien BallardLucien Ballarddirettore della fotografia
Al Clarkmontatore
George DuningGeorge Duningmusiche
Bucky Rouscostumista
Al Greenwaytruccatore
Frank A. Tuttlescenografo
Frank A. Tuttlearredatore

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1958)