Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Buffalo Kids (2024)

Original title: buffalo kids
82 min
Western, Comedy, Animation
Poster of movie Buffalo Kids

Festivals and awards


Production and Screenplay

Neil Landauproduttore esecutivo
Jordi Gasullproduttore
Jordi Gasullsceneggiatore
Javier López Barreirasceneggiatore
Toni Novellaproduttore
Rosa Pérezproduttore
Ricardo Marco Budéproduttore
Francisco Celmaproduttore
Marc Sabéproduttore
Lillian Gonzálezproduttore esecutivo
Victor Peralproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

ispettore walker
luna roja
lobo amarillo
signor wayne

Technical staff

Emily Killickmontatore

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2024)

Celia Sol Voice of luna roja
Alberto Vannini Voice of Tom
Fabrizio PucciFabrizio Pucci Voice of Wilson
Óscar Barberán Voice of niall
Pep Ribas Voice of ispettore walker
Greta Fronzi Voice of Mary
Marco VivioMarco Vivio Voice of Dudley
Isabel Valls Voice of Eleanor
Javier Cassi Gimeno Voice of nick
Miquel Bonet Voice of signor wayne
Alessandro QuartaAlessandro Quarta Voice of niall
Jaume Solà Voice of Tom
Ricky Coello Voice of Wilson
Miguel Angel Jenner Voice of lobo amarillo
Valentina FavazzaValentina Favazza Voice of Eleanor
Mia Pérez Ullod Voice of Mary
Alfonso Vallés Voice of Dudley