Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Buried (2010)

Original title: buried
95 min
Poster of movie Buried
paul is a u.s. truck driver working in iraq. after an attack by a group of iraqis he wakes to find he is buried alive inside a coffin. with only a lighter and a cell phone it's a race against time to escape this claustrophobic death trap.

Festivals and awards


Rodrigo CortésRodrigo Cortésregista

Production and Screenplay

Chris SparlingChris Sparlingsceneggiatore
Chris SparlingChris Sparlingscrittore
Rodrigo CortésRodrigo Cortésproduttore
Rodrigo CortésRodrigo Cortésproduttore esecutivo
Víctor Reyesproduttore
Peter Safranproduttore
Adrián Guerraproduttore
Oriol Maymóproduttore
Ken Hirshproduttore
Tom Drummproduttore
Miki Nadalproduttore
Alejandro Mirandaproduttore esecutivo

Characters and Interpreters

paul conroy
pamela lutti
dan brenner
alan davenport
linda conroy
maryanne conroy/donna mitchell/rebecca browning
agente speciale harris
rebecca browning
911 operator
state department rep.
411 female operator
411 male operator
crt operator
crt spokesman
additional voice
Ryan ReynoldsRyan Reynolds(età:34)

Technical staff

Eduard Graudirettore della fotografia
Rodrigo CortésRodrigo Cortésmontatore
Víctor Reyesmusiche
Elisa De andréscostumista
Gabriel Paréscenografo
Marc Ortsmixage
James Muñoztecnico del suono
Álex Villagrasaeffetti speciali
Urko Garaitecnico del suono
Mónica Alarcóntruccatore

Voices and Dubbing