Database of cinema, music, history and literature

calamity jane (1954)

Original title: calamity jane
Production: USA|98 min|
Western, Comedy, Musical

Festivals and awards

Oscar 1954 - nomination Best Sound
Assigned to: William A.mueller


David ButlerDavid Butlerregista

Interpreters and Characters

Doris DayDoris Day(età:32)
(Calamiti Jane)
Allyn Ann MclerieAllyn Ann Mclerie(età:28)
(allyn mclerie)
Victor AdamsonVictor Adamson(età:64)
(victor adamson)
Dick WessonDick Wesson(età:32)
(dick wesson)
Chubby JohnsonChubby Johnson(età:51)
(chubby johnson)
Philip CareyPhilip Carey(età:29)
(philip carey)
George Bell
(george bell)
Paul HarveyPaul Harvey(età:72)
(paul harvey)
Fred AldrichFred Aldrich(età:50)
(fred aldrich)
Beulah Archuletta(età:45)
(beulah archuletta)
Gale Robbins(età:33)
(gale robbins)
Jack Daly(età:40)
(jack daly)
Ray BennettRay Bennett(età:59)
(ray bennett)
Stanley BlystoneStanley Blystone(età:60)
(stanley blystone)
Forrest Burns
(forrest burns)
Billy BletcherBilly Bletcher(età:60)
(billy bletcher)
Chet BrandenburgChet Brandenburg(età:57)
(chet brandenburg)
Budd Buster(età:63)
(budd buster)
Edmund CobbEdmund Cobb(età:62)
(edmund cobb)
Lane ChandlerLane Chandler(età:55)
(lane chandler)
Fritz Ford(età:27)
(fritz ford)
Bess FlowersBess Flowers(età:56)
(bess flowers)
John CliffJohn Cliff(età:36)
(john cliff)
Charles Ferguson(età:34)
Roydon Clark(età:26)
(roydon clark)
Ben Corbett(età:62)
(ben corbett)
Terry Frost (attore)Terry Frost (attore)(età:48)
(terry frost)
Clem FullerClem Fuller(età:46)
(clem fuller)
Robert FullerRobert Fuller(età:20)
(robert fuller)
I.stanford JolleyI.stanford Jolley(età:54)
(i. stanford jolley)
Frank Mcclure
(frank mcclure)
Gene RothGene Roth(età:51)

Technical staff

Sammy FainSammy Fainmusiche
Ray HeindorfRay Heindorfmusiche
Wilfrid M.clinedirettore della fotografia
William A.muellertecnico del suono
Howard ShoupHoward Shoupcostumista
Gordon BauGordon Bautruccatore
Irene Morramontatore
John Beckmanscenografo

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1953)