Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Calm with Horses (2019)

Original title: calm with horses
Production: UK|100 min
Dramatic, Crime
Poster of movie Calm with Horses
douglas 'arm' armstrong has become the feared enforcer for the drug-dealing devers family, whilst also trying to be a good father. torn between these two families, arm's loyalties are tested when he is asked to kill for the first time.

Festivals and awards

Bafta 2021 - nomination Best Casting
Assigned to: Shaheen Baig


Nick Rowlandregista

Production and Screenplay

Fassbender MichaelFassbender Michaelproduttore esecutivo
Will Clarkeproduttore esecutivo
Mike Runagallproduttore esecutivo
Rory Gilmartinproduttore
Ollie Maddenproduttore
Kate Gloverproduttore
Conor Mccaughanproduttore esecutivo
Daniel Emmersonproduttore
Theo Barrowcloughproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Barry KeoghanBarry Keoghan(età:27)
Ned DennehyNed Dennehy(età:54)
Cosmo JarvisCosmo Jarvis(età:30)
Anthony Welsh(età:36)
Niamh AlgarNiamh Algar(età:27)

Technical staff

Shaheen Baigcasting
Nicolas Chaudeurgemontatore
Damien Creaghscenografo
Emma Scotttruccatore
Matthew Tabernmontatore
Anna Bassparrucchiere
Linda Gannonparrucchiere
Stephanie Kavanaghtruccatore
Clodagh Mcinerneytruccatore
Sharon Longcostumista
Annalisa Andrianiarredatore
Edwina Kellytruccatore
Roisin Copelandparrucchiere
Piers Mcgraildirettore della fotografia
Sandra Szpytkoarredatore