Database of cinema, music, history and literature

cameron's closet (1988)

Original title: cameron's closet
Poster of movie cameron's closet
a father who experiments with his son's psychokinetic powers is unaware that these experiments release a demon from hell, which lives in his son's closet, preparing to take over the young boys soul.

Festivals and awards


Production and Screenplay

Gary Brandnersceneggiatore
Djordje Zecevicproduttore
Luigi Cingolaniproduttore
Franc Caggianoproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Cotter SmithCotter Smith(età:39)
Gary HudsonGary Hudson(età:32)
Mel Harris(età:31)
Chuck Mccann(età:54)
Tab HunterTab Hunter(età:57)
Frank Pesce(età:42)
Scott Curtis(età:12)
Clark DortClark Dort(età:71)
Kim Lankford(età:34)
David Povall(età:41)

Technical staff

Jill Bennettparrucchiere
Russell CarpenterRussell Carpenterdirettore della fotografia
Alex Rambalditruccatore
Frank De palmamontatore
Rose Librizzitruccatore
Sarah burdick Stonearredatore
Steve Fujicasting