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Candyman: Farewell to the Flesh (1995)

Original title: candyman: farewell to the flesh
Production: USA|99 min
Horror, Thriller
Poster of movie Candyman: Farewell to the Flesh
as anyone who has seen the first episode knows, the ghost of a colossal former slave named daniel robitaille survives in new orleans, who, for having loved the white caroline, had had a very bad end. now there is annie, a teacher who finds herself with her family decimated by daniel's revenge, not yet full of blood. when, and above all how, will the curse cease?
This movie is episode 2 of the series Candyman composed by:


Bill CondonBill Condonregista

Production and Screenplay

Clive BarkerClive Barkerproduttore esecutivo
Clive BarkerClive Barkerscrittore
Tim Clawsonproduttore
Gregg Fienbergproduttore
Rand Ravichsceneggiatore
Mark Krugersceneggiatore
Lynn Weimerproduttore
Anna C. millerproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Bill NunnBill Nunn(età:42)
Kelly RowanKelly Rowan(età:30)
Tony ToddTony Todd(età:41)
Carol Sutton(età:51)
Matt Clark(età:59)
Fay HauserFay Hauser(età:47)
Maria Mason(età:39)

Technical staff

Philip GlassPhilip Glassmusiche
Carol Lewiscasting
Adam Brandytruccatore
Barry Robisonscenografo
Suzette Sheetsarredatore
Virginia KatzVirginia Katzmontatore
Bruce Finlaysoncostumista
Tobias A. Schliesslerdirettore della fotografia
Allan A. aponetruccatore
Andre Blaiseparrucchiere
Sheri Shorttruccatore
Dawn Snyderscenografo
Douglas j. Whitetruccatore

Voices and Dubbing