Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Captain Brassbound's Conversion [filmTV] (1960)

Original title: captain brassbound's conversion
tv movie

Origin of the subject


George Schaeferregista

Production and Screenplay

George Schaeferproduttore
Theodore Apsteinsceneggiatore
Robert Hartungproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

George Rose(età:40)
Greer GarsonGreer Garson(età:57)
Felix AylmerFelix Aylmer(età:71)
Loring Smith(età:70)
Howard CaineHoward Caine(età:34)
Chris Gampel(età:39)
Harry Ellerbe(età:59)
Joe Abdullah(età:34)

Technical staff

Paul Stanhope jr.truccatore