Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Captain Fantastic (2016)

Original title: captain fantastic
Production: USA|118 min
Dramatic, Comedy
Poster of movie Captain Fantastic
in the forests of the pacific northwest, a father devoted to raising his six kids with a rigorous physical and intellectual education is forced to leave his paradise and enter the world, challenging his idea of what it means to be a parent.

Festivals and awards


Matt RossMatt Rossregista

Production and Screenplay

Matt RossMatt Rosssceneggiatore
Matt RossMatt Rossscrittore
Declan Baldwinproduttore esecutivo
Jamie Patricofproduttore
Monica Levinsonproduttore
Louise Rungeproduttore
Shivani Rawatproduttore
Samantha Housmanproduttore
Nimitt Mankadproduttore esecutivo
Crystal Powellproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

ben cash
bodevan "bo" cash
George MckayGeorge Mckay(età:24)
kielyr cash
vespyr cash
Kathryn HahnKathryn Hahn(età:43)
Ann DowdAnn Dowd(età:60)
Missi PyleMissi Pyle(età:44)
Erin MoriartyErin Moriarty(età:22)
leslie abigail cash
Steve ZahnSteve Zahn(età:49)
George MacKayGeorge MacKay(età:24)
Ben Andrews(età:41)

Technical staff

Jeanne Mccarthycasting
Stephane Fontainedirettore della fotografia
Russell Barnesscenografo
Karen Romerotruccatore
Joseph Kringsmontatore
Courtney Hoffmancostumista
Teri Ann uccanparrucchiere
Karen Mcdonaldtruccatore
Alex SomersAlex Somersmusiche
Sara Roybaltruccatore
Geordie Shefferparrucchiere
Lee Grentruccatore
Akemi Harttruccatore
Frieda Valenzuelatruccatore
Susan Magestroarredatore
Erick Donaldsonscenografo
Tania Kupczakarredatore

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2016)

Music tracks of the soundtrack