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captain underpants: the first epic movie (2017)

Original title: captain underpants: the first epic movie
Production: USA|89 min
Animation, Science fiction, Comedy
Poster of movie captain underpants: the first epic movie


David Sorenregista

Production and Screenplay

Nicholas StollerNicholas Stollersceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

sig. benjamin "benny" grugno / capitan mutanda
george beard
harold hutchins
prof. pannolino
melvin sneedly

Technical staff

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2017)

Raffaele PalmieriRaffaele Palmieri Voice of prof. pannolino
Massimiliano ManfrediMassimiliano Manfredi Voice of sig. benjamin "benny" grugno / capitan mutanda
Davide LeporeDavide Lepore Voice of melvin sneedly
Simone CrisariSimone Crisari Voice of george beard
Gilberta CrispinoGilberta Crispino Voice of Edith
Paolo De SantisPaolo De Santis Voice of harold hutchins

Version Originale(2017)

Kristen SchaalKristen Schaal Voice of Edith
Kevin HartKevin Hart Voice of george beard
Thomas MiddleditchThomas Middleditch Voice of harold hutchins
Jordan PeeleJordan Peele Voice of melvin sneedly
Ed HelmsEd Helms Voice of sig. benjamin "benny" grugno / capitan mutanda