carnosaur - la distruzione (1993)
Original title: carnosaur
Production: USA|83 min| |
Science fiction, Action, Horror
Adam Simon: regista
Darren Moloney: regista
Production and Screenplay
Roger Corman: produttore
Characters and Interpreters
dottoressa jane tiptree
Diane Ladd(età:54)
'doc' smith
sceriffo randy fowler
Harrison Page(età:52)
ann 'thrush'
Jennifer Runyon(età:33)
jesse paloma
Ned Bellamy(età:36)
dottor sterling raven
Ed Williams(età:67)
donna incinta
Raphael Sbarge(età:29)
Frank Novak(età:48)
Technical staff
John Carl Buechler: truccatore
John Carl Buechler: effetti speciali
Voices and Dubbing
Version Italia(1993)
Isabella Pasanisi Voice of Mary Ann norris
Nino Prester Voice of Harrison Page
Barbara De Bortoli Voice of Jennifer Runyon
Anna Rita Pasanisi Voice of Diane Ladd
Sandro Iovino Voice of Ed Williams
Riccardo Rossi Voice of Raphael Sbarge