Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Carousel (1956)

Original title: carousel
Production: USA|128 min
Dramatic, Comedy, Musical
Poster of movie Carousel
fifteen years after his death, a carousel barker is granted permission to return to earth for one day to make amends to his widow and their daughter.


Henry KingHenry Kingregista

Production and Screenplay

Henry Ephronproduttore
Henry Ephronsceneggiatore
Phoebe Ephronsceneggiatore
ManBenjamin Glazersceneggiatore
Darryl F. ZanuckDarryl F. Zanuckproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

billy bigelow
Gordon McraeGordon Mcrae(età:35)
julie jordan
Shirley JonesShirley Jones(età:22)
jigger craigin
carrie pipperidge
Barbara Ruick(età:26)
cousin nettie
signor enoch snow
starkeeper / dottor selden
Gene LockhartGene Lockhart(età:65)
signora mullin
louise bigelow
Susan Luckey(età:18)
heavenly friend
signor bascombe
John DehnerJohn Dehner(età:41)
partner di louise al ballo
Tor JohnsonTor Johnson(età:53)
Robert FoulkRobert Foulk(età:48)
Armando Greco(età:35)
Lili Gentle(età:16)
Harry CarterHarry Carter(età:50)
Dee Pollock(età:19)
Robert Banas(età:23)
Edward Mundy(età:68)
Larry Johns(età:53)
Bill Foster(età:24)
Harrison Dowd(età:59)

Technical staff

Alfred NewmanAlfred Newmanmusiche
William H.reynoldsWilliam H.reynoldsmontatore
Jack Martin SmithJack Martin Smithscenografo
Ken DarbyKen Darbymusiche
Mary Willscostumista
Ben NyeBen Nyetruccatore
Helen Turpinparrucchiere
ManWalter M. Scottscenografo
ManWalter M. Scottarredatore
Lyle R. WheelerLyle R. Wheelerscenografo
Charles G. ClarkeCharles G. Clarkedirettore della fotografia
Chester Bayhiscenografo
Chester Bayhiarredatore

Voices and Dubbing