Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Carré 35 (2017)

Original title: carré 35
Production: France, Germany|67 min
Poster of movie Carré 35
french actor ã‰ric caravaca confronts a mystery what happened to his parents' first child, christine, who died at age three in algeria before the director was born?

Festivals and awards


Eric CaravacaEric Caravacaregista

Production and Screenplay

Eric CaravacaEric Caravacasceneggiatore
Eric CaravacaEric Caravacascrittore
Yael Fogielproduttore
Laetitia Gonzalezproduttore
Arnaud Cathrinesceneggiatore
Arnaud Cathrinescrittore

Interpreters and Characters

Eric CaravacaEric Caravaca(età:51)

Technical staff

Simon Jacquetmontatore
Florent Marchetmusiche
Jerzy Palaczdirettore della fotografia