Database of cinema, music, history and literature

cat people (1942)

Original title: cat people
Production: USA|73 min| black and white
Horror, Thriller, Fantasy
Poster of movie cat people
an american man marries a serbian immigrant who fears that she will turn into the cat person of her homeland's fables if they are intimate together.
This movie is episode 1 of the series cat people composed by:
The same story is the basis of the movies:


Production and Screenplay

Dewitt Bodeensceneggiatore
Dewitt Bodeenscrittore
Val LewtonVal Lewtonproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

kent smith
tom conway
simone simon
alice moore
Jane Randolph(età:27)
il commodoro
Jack HoltJack Holt(età:54)
poliziotto in strada (non accreditato)
Eddie Dew(età:33)
custode dello zoo (non accreditato)
Alec CraigAlec Craig(età:58)
doc carver (non accreditato)
Alan NapierAlan Napier(età:39)
dottor louis judd
Tom ConwayTom Conway(età:38)
irena dubrovna reed
Simone SimonSimone Simon(età:32)
la donna del ristorante serbo (non accreditata)
oliver 'ollie' reed
Kent SmithKent Smith(età:35)
signora agnew, donna delle pulizie (non accreditata)
Dot FarleyDot Farley(età:61)
signorina plunkett, proprietaria del negozio d'animali (non accreditata)
sue ellen (non accreditata)
Donald KerrDonald Kerr(età:51)
Stephen Soldi(età:43)
Betty Roadman(età:53)
Mary Halsey(età:29)

Technical staff

Mark RobsonMark Robsonmontatore
Nicholas Musuracadirettore della fotografia
Roy WebbRoy Webbmusiche
Darrell SilveraDarrell Silveraarredatore
Mel BernsMel Bernstruccatore
Walter E. Kellerscenografo
A. Roland Fieldsarredatore
Vernon L. WalkerVernon L. Walkereffetti speciali

Voices and Dubbing