Database of cinema, music, history and literature

cat's eye (1985)

Original title: cat's eye
Production: USA|98 min
Horror, Fantasy
Poster of movie cat's eye

Origin of the subject


Lewis TeagueLewis Teagueregista

Production and Screenplay

Stephen KingStephen Kingsceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

James WoodsJames Woods(età:38)
(dick morrison)
Alan KingAlan King(età:58)
(dott. vinny donatti)
Court Miller(età:33)
(sig. mccann)
Russell Horton(età:44)
(sig. milquetoast)
James RebhornJames Rebhorn(età:37)
(uomo d'affari ubriaco)
Kenneth McmillanKenneth Mcmillan(età:53)
Robert HaysRobert Hays(età:38)
(johnny norris)
Sherry Burch
Sal Richards
(richard westlake)
Jesse Doran
Patricia KalemberPatricia Kalember(età:28)
Mike StarrMike Starr(età:35)
Drew BarrymoreDrew Barrymore(età:10)
Candy ClarkCandy Clark(età:38)
(sally ann)
James NaughtonJames Naughton(età:40)

Technical staff

Jack CardiffJack Cardiffdirettore della fotografia
Alan SilvestriAlan Silvestrimusiche
Scott Conradmontatore

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1985)

Romano GhiniRomano Ghini Voice of junk

Version Originale(1985)

Frank WelkerFrank Welker Voice of Troll