Database of cinema, music, history and literature

catwoman (2004)

Original title: catwoman
Production: USA|104 min
Action, Crime, Fantasy
Poster of movie catwoman
patience philips is a shy and sensitive artist who always seems to apologize for her existence. anxious to please people, she works as a graphic designer in the huge cosmetics company hedare beauty, directed by the despotic george hedare and his wife laurel, a very famous model. when he inadvertently discovers a terrible secret about a new anti-aging product that the company is about to put on the market, patience finds himself trapped in a dangerous plot. but at the most critical moment, patience is saved and reborn with the strength, speed, agility and sensory perceptions of a cat. led by a mysterious mentor, ophelia powers, patience soon discovers her new feline skills and her true story, because she is the latest in a long line of women who have been chosen over the centuries to embody those extraordinary powers. catwoman's adventures begin when she looks for prey, but her double life is soon complicated by the relationship that is emerging between patience and detective tom lone. lone is in love with patience, but he is also fascinated by the feline that appears to be responsible for a long series of crimes in the city. when she learns to exploit her powers, catwoman becomes stronger, faster and more dangerous for her enemies, and the line between patience and her wild alter ego begins to be increasingly blurred.



Production and Screenplay

Michael FerrisMichael Ferrissceneggiatore
Michael FerrisMichael Ferrisscrittore
Denise Dinoviproduttore
Benjamin Melnikerproduttore esecutivo
Michael E.uslanproduttore esecutivo
Edward L.mcdonnellproduttore
Bruce Bermanproduttore esecutivo
John Rogerssceneggiatore
Theresa Rebecksceneggiatore
Theresa Rebeckscrittore
John D. Brancatosceneggiatore
John D. Brancatoscrittore
Michael Fottrellproduttore esecutivo
Alison Greenspanproduttore
Robert Kirbyproduttore esecutivo
Ed Jonesproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

Sharon StoneSharon Stone(età:46)
(Laurel Hedare)
Peter WingfieldPeter Wingfield(età:42)
(dr. ivan slavicky)
Benjamin BrattBenjamin Bratt(età:41)
(Tom Lone)
Lambert WilsonLambert Wilson(età:46)
(George Hedare)
Frances ConroyFrances Conroy(età:51)
Alex BorsteinAlex Borstein(età:33)
Michael MasseeMichael Massee(età:52)
Byron MannByron Mann(età:37)
Christopher HeyerdahlChristopher Heyerdahl(età:41)
Peter WingfieldPeter Wingfield(età:42)
(dottor Ivan Slavicky)
Brooke TheissBrooke Theiss(età:35)
Mike Mitchell(età:36)
Dagmar MidcapDagmar Midcap(età:35)
Aaron DouglasAaron Douglas(età:33)
Ryan RobbinsRyan Robbins(età:32)
Benita HaBenita Ha(età:19)
Anne FletcherAnne Fletcher(età:38)
Landy CannonLandy Cannon(età:33)
John MannJohn Mann(età:42)
Ona GrauerOna Grauer(età:29)
Janet Varney(età:28)

Technical staff

Sylvie Landramontatore
Thierry ArbogastThierry Arbogastdirettore della fotografia
Bill Brzeskiscenografo
Jayne Dancosetruccatore
John Papsideracasting
Klaus Badeltmusiche
Angus Strathiecostumista
Barbara LorenzBarbara Lorenzparrucchiere
Shepherd Frankelscenografo
Carol Lavalleescenografo
Carol Lavalleearredatore
Coreen Mayrscasting
Dan Hermansenscenografo
Don Macaulayscenografo
Lisa K.sessionsscenografo
Lisa K.sessionsarredatore
Christien Tinsleytruccatore
Bakstad Naomitruccatore
Gracie Athertontruccatore
Norma Hill-pattontruccatore
James D. Brownparrucchiere
Aurora Bergeretruccatore
Rita CiccozziRita Ciccozzitruccatore
Stacey ButterworthStacey Butterworthtruccatore
Kevin WasnerKevin Wasnertruccatore
Gina Sherrittparrucchiere
Dave Snydertruccatore
Ann Mclarentruccatore
Thom Macintyreparrucchiere
Adina Shoreparrucchiere
Heather Tillsonparrucchiere
Miles Tevestruccatore
Frank Varelascenografo

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2004)

Music tracks of the soundtrack