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What the Butler Saw (1966)

Original title: what the butler saw
Production: UK|52 min| black and white| tv series
Action, Science fiction, Comedy, Thriller
steed enrolls in a butlering school to investigate a leak in government secrets, whilst emma attempts to seduce one of the 3 main suspects; an raf playboy known to the ladies as georgie-porgie.


Bill Bainregista

Production and Screenplay

Brian Clemensproduttore
Julian Wintleproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

David SwiftDavid Swift(età:47)
Denis QuilleyDenis Quilley(età:39)
Diana RiggDiana Rigg(età:28)
Ewan Hooper(età:31)
Peter Hughes(età:44)
Norman Scace(età:50)

Technical staff

Alan HumeAlan Humedirettore della fotografia
Harry PottleHarry Pottlescenografo
George Blacklertruccatore
Laurie Johnsonmusiche
Pearl Ortonparrucchiere
Lionel Selwynmontatore
G.b. Walkercasting