Database of cinema, music, history and literature

chances are (1989)

Original title: chances are
Production: USA|108 min
Comedy, Fantasy, Romantic
Poster of movie chances are
a reincarnated man unknowingly falls in love with his own daughter from his previous life. once he realizes this, he tries to end their relationship before angels erase his memory.

Festivals and awards


Emile ArdolinoEmile Ardolinoregista

Production and Screenplay

Andrew BergmanAndrew Bergmanproduttore esecutivo
Perry Howzesceneggiatore
Perry Howzescrittore
Randy Howzesceneggiatore
Randy Howzescrittore
Mike Lobellproduttore
Michel Salinaproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Corinne Jeffries
alex finch
philip train
Ryan O'NealRyan O'Neal(età:48)
miranda jeffries
louie jeffries
Joe GrifasiJoe Grifasi(età:45)
giudice fenwick
Josef SommerJosef Sommer(età:55)
Marc McclureMarc Mcclure(età:32)
Susan RuttanSusan Ruttan(età:41)
Martin Garner(età:62)
Fran RyanFran Ryan(età:73)
Mimi KennedyMimi Kennedy(età:41)
James NobleJames Noble(età:67)
Gianni RussoGianni Russo(età:46)
Keiko AgenaKeiko Agena(età:16)
Max Trumpower(età:43)

Technical staff

Maurice JarreMaurice Jarremusiche
Harry Keramidasmontatore
Albert WolskyAlbert Wolskycostumista
Dean Pitchfordmusiche
Robert R.bentonarredatore
Romaine Greeneparrucchiere
Tom Snowmusiche
ManMike Fentoncasting
Judy Taylorcasting
William A. FrakerWilliam A. Frakerdirettore della fotografia
Cheri Minnstruccatore
Norman T. leavittNorman T. leavitttruccatore
Lynda Gurasichparrucchiere
Susan v. Kalinowskiparrucchiere
Kaori n. Turnertruccatore
Peter Garofalotruccatore

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1989)