Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Change of Heart (1999)

Original title: change of heart
Production: USA
Dramatic, Psychological, Grotesque
Poster of movie Change of Heart
three men and three women, happily engaged, agree to participate in a mutual exchange of partners to experiment with new relationships and decide with whom to spend the rest of their lives.


Rod Hayregista

Production and Screenplay

Rod Hayproduttore
Murray Faheyproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

Chris Haywood(età:51)
Tony Barry(età:58)
Jerome EhlersJerome Ehlers(età:41)
Rob Thomas(età:27)
Grant BowlerGrant Bowler(età:31)
Holly BrisleyHolly Brisley(età:21)
John O'hare(età:37)

Technical staff

Brian Edmondsscenografo
Scott Fergusonmontatore
Faith Martincasting
Simone Wajontruccatore
Angela Morkparrucchiere