Database of cinema, music, history and literature

The Pawnshop [corto] (1916)

Original title: the pawnshop
Production: USA|25 min| black and white| short| mute
Comedy, Comic
Poster of movie The Pawnshop [corto]
charlie competes with his fellow shop assistant. he is fired by the pawnbroker and rehired. he nearly destroys everything in the shop and himself. he helps capture a burglar. he destroys a client's clock while examining it in detail.


Charles ChaplinCharles Chaplinregista

Production and Screenplay

Charles ChaplinCharles Chaplinproduttore
Charles ChaplinCharles Chaplinsceneggiatore
Charles ChaplinCharles Chaplinscrittore
Henry p. Caulfieldproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

Charles ChaplinCharles Chaplin(età:27)
(il commesso)
Eric CampbellEric Campbell(età:36)
(il truffatore)
Edna PurvianceEdna Purviance(età:21)
(la figlia)
Frank J. Coleman(età:27)
Albert AustinAlbert Austin(età:34)
(il cliente con la sveglia)
Wesley Ruggles(età:27)
(il nobile decaduto)
James T. kelley(età:62)
(la signora col pesce rosso)
John Rand(età:45)
(l'altro commesso)
Henry BergmanHenry Bergman(età:48)

Technical staff

Charles ChaplinCharles Chaplinmontatore
Roland TotherohRoland Totherohdirettore della fotografia
West One musicmusiche