Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Charlotte Gray (2001)

Original title: charlotte gray
Production: Australia, Germany, UK|121 min
Dramatic, Thriller, Spying
Poster of movie Charlotte Gray
the scottish charlotte gray decides to fight the nazis driven by love for a pilot of the royal air force, shot down in the skies of france, but still alive. hoping to reach him, he enters the secret services and parachutes over the channel, in the collaboration with the republic of vichy. the meeting with the partisan julien will change the purpose of his mission and his own destiny.

Origin of the subject

Historical episodes of setting


Production and Screenplay

Jeremy Brocksceneggiatore
Sarah Curtisproduttore
Elinor Dayproduttore
Paul Websterproduttore esecutivo
Hanno Huthproduttore esecutivo
Douglas Raeproduttore
Robert Bernsteinproduttore esecutivo
Cathy Lordproduttore
Catherine Kerrproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

Cate BlanchettCate Blanchett(età:32)
(Charlotte Gray)
Abigail Cruttenden(età:33)
Ron Cook(età:53)
Rupert Penry-JonesRupert Penry-Jones(età:31)
(peter gregory)
James FleetJames Fleet(età:49)
(richard cannerley)
Billy CrudupBilly Crudup(età:33)
(julien levade)
Michael GambonMichael Gambon(età:61)
Anton LesserAnton Lesser(età:49)
John Bennett(età:71)
Wolf KahlerWolf Kahler(età:61)
Hugh Ross(età:56)
Gillian Barge(età:61)
Angus Wright(età:37)
Jack ShepherdJack Shepherd(età:61)
Helen McCroryHelen McCrory(età:33)
James Embree(età:23)
Wil Röttgen(età:35)

Technical staff

Alison Elliotttruccatore
Nicholas Beaumanmontatore
Joseph Bennettscenografo
Stephen Warbeckmusiche
Dion Beebedirettore della fotografia
Janty Yatescostumista
Veronica Mcaleertruccatore
Joanne Woollardarredatore
Morag Rossparrucchiere
Tatiana MacdonaldTatiana Macdonaldscenografo
Kathleen Mackiecasting
David Alldayscenografo
Jon henry Gordonparrucchiere
Su Whitakerscenografo
Carol Robinsonparrucchiere
Heather Millingtonparrucchiere
Kerry Scourfieldtruccatore

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2001)